Posted on 10/31/2017

Most vehicle owners share the struggle of finding an affordable and trustworthy auto repair shop. Without knowing the market, it can be difficult to find a knowledgeable and skilled mechanic with honest values. Don’t let the search discourage you! Every industry is plagued with a few rotten apples but for the most part, companies like Milex Complete Auto Care are in the business of providing a one-stop shop for reliable, unmatched repair and maintenance with superior service. To avoid the poor performers when shopping around for an auto repair shop, watch out for red flags like these: Lack of Certifications A list of mechanic certifications is a perfect way to judge the experience and expertise of a repair shop. Relevant certifications establish trust and instill a sense of security with customers. The ... read more
Posted on 10/27/2017

CHICAGO – Albert and Serina Daniel, Milex Complete Auto Care franchisees in Frederick, MD were recently honored for their contributions to franchising and recognized by the International Franchise Association (IFA) with its annual Franchisee of the Year Award. The Daniels, who have been Milex franchisees for the past 7 years, are also a 2-time Franchisee of the year award winners; recognized by their peers for their outstanding performance and contributions as franchisees to help develop and grow the Milex brand and franchising The Franchisee of the Year Award is a major portion of the IFA’s Public Affairs Conference. This annual conference brings hundreds of franchise business leaders together in Washington, D.C. to discuss important topics regarding franchising with lawmakers on Capitol Hill. Before joining the Moran Family of Brands Franchise system, Albert served in our country's Military from 1989-1994. With franchising being a key economical drive ... read more
Posted on 10/26/2017
Local Milex Business Owner Recognized as Franchisee of the Year, Delivers “Franchising Votes” Message to CongressCHICAGO – Milex Complete Auto Care franchisee Albert Daniel of Frederick was recently recognized for his contributions to franchising and honored by the International Franchise Association (IFA) with its annual Franchisee of the Year Award. Daniel was one of 48 people nationwide, representing 31 franchise systems, recognized for their outstanding performance and the contributions they have made to enhance the growth and development of franchising. “The IFA is proud to recognize Albert’s outstanding efforts with the Franchisee of the Year Award,” said IFA Chairman Jon Luther, Chairman, Dunkin’ Brands, Chairman, Arby’s Restaurant Group. “The franchising community is an important component of the U.S. economy due to the hard work of these exemplary individuals who have helped bolster the growth of the industry.” The Franch ... read more
Posted on 10/18/2017

Damage to your car begins accumulating the moment you drive it off the lot. We all know this, but there are ways to speed up this damage without even realizing it, setting yourself up for some hefty repair bills in the future. Unfortunately, many of the following are common habits, and Milex Complete Auto Care technicians see drivers unwittingly shortening the lives of their cars every day. Here are some of the worst habits we’ve seen, and how you can turn them around to prevent damage to your car. Driving Habit: Letting gas get too low The temptation to drive with a low gas level is pervasive. After all, who wants to take time out of their day to fuel up, or spend the money to do it? Unfortunately, letting your gas level get too low can damage your car in the long term. Here’s why: Over time, sediment can build up in the bottom of your fuel tank. This is fine, provided your ... read more
Posted on 10/10/2017

In late August, southern Texas was pelted with heavy rains, storm surges and high winds, which devastated property in much of the area. Stories are still surfacing of the damage wreaked by Hurricane Harvey, and many experts estimate it will take at least a year for the area to return to normal. Gordon and Carolyn Ricossa and their employees of the Mr. Transmission & Milex Complete Auto Care in Beaumont, TX, found themselves in the thick of the storm with very little in the way of preparation. When Hurricane Harvey first hit the area, Gordon sent all the technicians home to wait it out in safety. That would be the last time they would be able to reach the store for 10 days. The Beaumont store was fortunate to avoid flooding, but all of the roads leading to the shop were closed due to high water for more than week. Once Gordon, Carolyn and their technicians could reach the shop, they had to get straight ... read more